Eso best class for khajiit 2019
Eso best class for khajiit 2019

I’d recommend it to anyone wanting to try something different. I’m not the best Sorc ever, but this setup is solid.

eso best class for khajiit 2019 eso best class for khajiit 2019

I had a much more difficult time doing them in Siroria/ Mother Sorrow/Zaan. Pulsar though, fits the theme adds utility, hits good. Daedric tomb is kind of wonky, diddnt really like. It’s very strange not having a real spammable on the front bar. It made me move too fast and couldn’t see the guy and lightning everywhere is makes it tuff for me to tell wth is going on. So I left the Lightning form skill un morphed. I was skeptical using weapon damage enchant and shock enchant with no Absorb magic enchant, but the heavy attacks more than make up for recovery. If you run out of resources, you’re doing something terribly wrong. It feels stronger than Pet can use pets too. That’s not such a bad thing when you got that much hard hitting AOE everywhere. It’s like old school pet Sorc, but with no pet. My character is dark elf he recommends high elf. Grothdar is 2 light, Because I had them to make the sets line up. Transmuted the jewelry to infused/ bloodthirsty.

eso best class for khajiit 2019

I do indeed have more Maelstrom staves than could ever possibly need, but realize this build is likely designed to help someone acquire them. To complete the sets, I’m using 2 medium armor, 5 light, and an IA Lightning staff because I had a few of them lying around. Xynode recommends an Undaunted Infaltrator Lightning stave.I spent much time trying to acquire with no success. Simple put it’s Undaunted Infaltrator, Infallible Aether, Grothdar. In lieu of last weeks Xynode appreciation thread, I was compelled to try out this easy Sorc build.

Eso best class for khajiit 2019